She is intelligent, no question about that but that wasnt what I was referring to. She was a longtime poster on this site before being banned.
To clarify, my point was because I dont like the kind of blanket statements you are making about certain communities (just as you did not like the ones about Chula Vista). I’m sure there are some wonderful properties in Santee that would be far preferable to others in Del Cerro. Its simple not accurate to say DC > Santee in every case. Even though neighborhood factors are very important every house stands on its own merits. Most importantly every home is castle to someone. Its all perspective.[/quote]
sdr, I never minded if other Piggs made blanket statements about Chula. Lots of people unfamiliar with Chula do this. I’m used to all the “Chula-Juana” jokes coming from outside Chula. This is not accurate either but I don’t let it bother me. I myself have “issues” with a few of my current neighbors that I have not experienced living in other areas.
I’ve also heard several comments about how far the commute is from Chula, including from the OP of this thread. I am located exactly ten miles from dtn. SD. That is the same as the Bdwy/College Ave. exit off Hwy 94; Garnet/Balboa exit off I-5; Genessee Exit off 163; Kearny Villa exit off 805 and Waring Rd. off I-8. These posters are obviously equating “Chula Vista” with its recently annexed zip codes of new construction which are 18-26 miles away from dtn. in heavy traffic.
I thought one of the purposes of the Pigg site was to educate each other about areas we are each familiar with. This is HUGE county, after all. I for one have learned a few things here about places I never get to.
Yes, I DO think there are wonderful properties in Santee. As you can see, Santee has a much higher median HH income than that of my own geographically-large zip code (91910). There are so many HH’s on fixed incomes in my zip code that even though a RDR pocket (and other census tracts in 91910) have extraordinary HH incomes, it does not raise the median too much.
I’m basing my opinion in the “DC vs. Sky Ranch debate” on the fact that the construction, views, location, convenience and uniform zoning make DC more desireable to more people than Sky Ranch. Both are actually very small communities, “niche” markets, if you will. Because DC is a “resale” market (any lending done there would not be subsidized by a developer), the qualifications to purchase there would shut out more buyers.
Btw, I had a former co-worker in the nineties who had a view home in DC she let get into REALLY BAD SHAPE and also let the weeds grow at least 5′ tall in her BY and let her pool go green. I KNOW all the properties are not perfect there.
I totally agree with you that every buyer and homeowner’s needs are a little different, i.e. might need space for multiple or commercial vehicles where a mixed-use area with big lots would work the best for them.
Just curious, sdr, do you know why “Schahrzad” was “banned?” And what was her Pigg “screen name?”