Just one more note on the Military Free Ride you advocate as so wonderful. . . [/quote]
I haven’t looked at your article yet. I am fully cognizant of the trials and tribulations of being in the military, both for the member and their families. That’s why they offer the “free” living unit with paid utilities and the “free” education. Yes, I am aware that it’s not for everyone. In the “olden days,” people enlisted specifically to take advantage of the Vietnam-era GI Bill. It was the ONLY way many would get a college education and they knew this from the age of 12 onward. Many had no choice and were drafted. After 4 years in the military (or much less if previously stationed in a war zone and/or disabled in service) many got out and enrolled in college FT and received $250 – $450 mo “living expenses” in addition to paid tuition, fees and books. The amount of living expense paid for a full four years depended upon their marital status. This was also during the era I attended college where I met MANY VA-funded students.
I understand that many, many members that spent any time at all in war-torn regions while in the military suffer from PTSD and worse for life and need constant or intermittent counseling. Not only have I had longtime co-workers with these problems, I see it in some of my current neighbors.
When you take the free education and free housing from the military for as long as it takes you to obtain your professional credentials, there is a price to pay. Often that true price is unknown at the outset.