I guess more than anything it makes scaredy wrong that we all compare ourselves to others and judge ourselves that way. At least one of us doesn’t and as much as I like think I’m one of kind there must be others like me?????
Party on Bill…..[/quote]
I don’t buy scaredy’s theory.
There are a lot of good reasons to live in a neigborhood deliberately, inspite of potentially being representative of someone’s idea of what the lower 2/3 constitutes.
There may well be an inherent primate tendency to compare ourselves to others, I am sure there is.It is part of how we learn to deal with our environment/relations/interactions, but the measuring stick we chose to use can vary in its qualities greatly. The tendency can also be kept in perspective sufficiently to maintain happiness in any reasonable place.
Consumption habits, material possessions,position,looks etc., may be common items on many peoples measuring sticks but sensible,secure people,however rare, have better devices, and I think more common sense than to make themselves unhappy because they don’t come off as king of the hill.
Sometimes I think the people who struggle to be the king of the hill,bigshots, are the ones that have the most dysfunctional metrics. They are the ones that easily find themselves in Bill’s upside down situation and working the system(to compensate for failure),or working for blood money, or whoring themselves, even though in some cases, they make, or have been given, much more money than many contented, humble, people will ever see.
Ultimately, I think a life possesed of a satisfying “purpose” or “purposes”is more important than anything else.