[quote=sdrealtor]. . . Do I think Prop 13 is fair? To some extent yes and to some no. It gives those long time residents who harken back to the olden days an advantage over the new arrivals who have necessitated the expanded municipal services. The MR makes its a temporary tax to some extent on the newbies which works also. When the MR expire, they will be on more equal footing. . . . [/quote]
sdr, it’s trolling BG again :=) . . . Just wondering here . . . how long would you expect the average young family to own a house in a CFD which they just bought new?
Do these buyers within CFD’s EVER REALLY find themselves “on more equal footing” (with a non-CFD buyer)??
And do you consider 30-40 years a “temporary” time frame in which to finish paying off the bonds so as to be “on more equal footing” property-tax wise??