I have read your insults on this site for so long, I wonder, have you ever lived anywhere else as an adult? I know you said you grew up back east, but as an adult…? Just wondering. You seem very shallow in your appreciation of what the rest of the US is really like to LIVE in. I grew up in San Diego and have lived there on and off for years (and abroad). Although I love the weather, and hate the cold, I still struggle between wanting to go back just for the weather, and staying where I am for so many other reasons. Excellent, well-educated, tolerant neighbors, superior schools in every regard, affordable housing and the ability to save save save, historical sites within a short-drive (some minutes away), cultural opportunities unrivaled in SDiego, public transportation that actually works, less emphasis on appearances and cars, etc. For raising kids, the rest of the US is wonderful…(I dont mean from a vacation standpoint – obviously SanDiego has few equals aside from Hawaiian destinations).