“While Jim beleives you can follow trends of flawed data, my experience with complex market research studies and statistical analysis does not let me beleive this (nor would the 2 former marketing executives of Fortune 50 companies that I have directly reported let me). I have found that my gut intuition is a far accurate and reliabel predictor of what is coming than the data.”
Phew – where to begin…? First of all, you say you respect Jim the realtor, and then you say he follows “flawed data”. So, you are saying he is not smart enough to know the difference? Not as experienced as you are? Or what?
Secondly, I can hardly understand what you are saying in the above sentences. Please reword – especially the part about “the 2 former marketing executives of Fortune 50 companies that I have directly reported let me.” Huh?
Thirdly, I cannot believe you made that comment about “Hispanic” last names. What the heck are you insinuating?
Finally, I’ve pointed out before (only because you use this word so often) that your spelling of ‘believe’ is wrong every time. It is B-E-L-I-E-V-E.