Hey Mario why don’t you stay with you brother Luigi, since you don’t want to live in the real world.
There is something wrong with every bank foreclosure story I’ve ever read. These are just typical dysfunctional people with crazy stories to tell.
The older guy with no mortgage looses house due to code violations and buying investment property at height of boom.
Couple saves money from working 3 jobs for many years. Buys home at height of market with no money down. Why did they save money for many years just to put nothing down.
Lady owns 2 profitable restaurants. Runs buisiness with ease. Can’t read loan docks and blames the world.
Man has heart attack because of payment shock. He couldn’t make the payment before the refi and decides to have a heart attack after wife brings home new loans docs. People with weak hearts shouldn’t buy houses at the peak.
Man buys a dozen eggs for 1 cent just to find out that they were rotten, blames the housing market. He should have read the sign that said a dozen rotten eggs for 1 cent.