SDR: Right, they like CA and in fact they like total foreigners. Maybe true northerners they may hate. But no idea.
DCR: Isn’t that insane. Charlotte never had a bubble but looks like one is popping. Thanks to beazer in part. But get this though, I was looking for foreclosures a few years ago, 02-03 in fact. And I must ahve seen 50 of them, if not in person, on paper/GIS etc. And 1 of those was worth making an offer on just based on 1 fact. It wasn’t under power lines. I dunno, maybe 20% of developments are under power lines … but 90% of foreclosures are under power lines. Now in 2003 I went to 13 beazer developments. Except 3 all were under power lines. Somehow builders can build and sell under power lines, and no one that buys one is able to. These beazer ones that have been named are all under power lines.
Now here is what people haven’t realised. If you start seeing this in the entry level market, guess what, its going to kill the move up, and eventually kill the entire market. They like to point and laugh and say we live in this 400K shea Piece of crap, we are above that. we’ll never get affected. BS.