No, I’m not upset because we missed out on a better deal. All of my posts regarding this topic show that I’m very angry about the **fraud** (yes, it’s fraud), especially when innocent people are expected to pay for it.
So far, innocent people have been punished because the Fed has forced rates on all fixed income products so low that savers have been absolutely sacrificed for the idiots who can’t spend within their means or who don’t make provisions for a bad economy. Imagine being an elderly retired person trying to live on their savings over the past decade — slaughtered!!!
I’m tired of our flat-broke state giving $10,000 gifts to homebuilders, all the while they are increasing class sizes, shutting down libraries and reducing services for taxpayers.
I’m tired of all the Wall Street titans who’ve made billions on the way up, who are now making billions on the way down, instead of being thrown in jail where they belong.
I’m tired of our flat-broke federal govt giving $8,000 gifts to sellers in the form of “tax credits,” while telling us that they are going to curtail services to deserving and/or needy people who had nothing to do with getting us into this mess.
I’m tired of seeing programs like the PPIP that intentionally exclude J6 from any potentially profit-making opportunities (subsidized by the govt, no less), so that the already wealthy can suck up more of our wealth without any meddling competition from the masses.
And finally…I’m tired of seeing regular people defend these tactics because they believe they can profit from all this deception and fraud.
I desperately want to see people with ethics and morals stand up to all these a$$holes who have destroyed this country.