sdr, I’m still around…this site is somewhat of an addiction for me…and I’m sure i’ll be around long after my home is sold (29 days and counting).
Not sure why anyone would forego selling when they wouldn’t even have to list…and somebody had cash. Wow, that’s gotta’ really be eating at him. His home is nice, (I went by when he had an open house a few weeks back) it definitely looks like a home that’s been upgraded just to sell…but I’m sure as a buyer that would likely be a selling point. His location is excellent, although parking is an issue, he can’t park in his driveway and the cul-de-sac fills quickly. But I’m sure it’s really quiet once you’re inside.
I really have to give this site (and all you contributors) a ton of credit for educating me on the housing situation. I’m really happy with Adam, but I also feel like I came into the relationship with a lot more knowledge than I would have otherwise…because I’ve been following along for a few months.
I’m somewhat tempted to put a post-it note on my neighbors door with the following “” and nothing else…I’m sure it would answer a lot of his questions. Actually, if what sdr says is true then I’m sure he wouldn’t listen to what’s being said on this site anyhow. Oh, well.