SDR – I may seem to do what you do, but based on what you have told us, I don’t believe I do.
I observe, but I rarely give advice based on my observations nor do I predict markets. Again, I believe prediction in dynamic markets such as real estate or stocks is pure folly.
If someone asks me for advice, I offer up what data I have and do my best to keep my opinion out of the discussion so that they can draw their own conclusions, which serves two purposes: One, I get to see what they think and Two, I don’t have the potential to harm them by giving them advice that may prove to be totally wrong. In my view, if I give you bad advice and you act on it and you get hurt, I am responsible for putting you in a damaged state (and you are responsible for damaging yourself).
I also share with others what I am doing (at this point in time, nothing, just observing) and allow them to query me on my action (or lack thereof), but I never recommend that they do what I am doing (or not doing), regardless of the outcomes I produce.
I guess I am forever living life in the question, instead of the answer, thereby constantly in a dance to reduce my risk of an unintended outcome, regardless of what I am doing. So, back to my original inquiry:
I am specifically looking for where you have concluded the market will be in six months, that being mid-December of 2006, and what you plan on doing in anticipation of that point in time, at this point in time. That’s all.
I’m not asking for what you may advise me to do or how you do it, I simply want to know what you are doing / going to do, based on your analysis and subsequent prediction, which I am looking very much forward to reading. Thanks again…