sdr I know that. I just try to stick to facts, ya know what I mean?
Wholesale markets do exist for things but the perception that flippers are sucking all the inventory away is simply not correct. CAR and I have gone around the block on that a few times and I respect her opinions greatly. Bottom line is we (and many other investors) have piles of cash and cannot make a purchase at auction because there is a pathetic quantity to choose from. This really started in earnest about 8 months ago. Even last year my argument was the same that flippers amounted for a small amount of inventory but now it is miniscule. Also lag time is a factor, and as we move forward less flips will be available.
Similarly Arraya to sit and throw out statements while sitting behind a tube and cutting and pasting articles of how the world is falling apart is one thing, but to make a statement totally contrary to the reality of auctions is another. We PAY our staff to go to the auctions so yes we do know what is going on because reality is a bit different then what you perceive is going on behind your computer screen.