sdr, I am thinking the argument here isn’t so much that the FED is in control of the RE markets, but that the FED does have some control over inventory, whether direct or indirect. Those who now believe that our politicians are here to benefit the people and that are economic system has some sort of stability are the ones wearing the tin foil hats these days. It’s not a conspiracy theory to think the FED manipulates just about every sector that interferes or affects lending and the value of the dollar. It’s fact.
I went to a luncheon with Steve Forbes last week and had a chance to hear his take on the US economy. He was a pessimist to say the least. He thought we were heading down a very grim road in many aspects.
I am not as much a conspiracy theorist as I am a realist. We, as Americans, are programmed to spend, which is the driving force of this economy. This in itself is very problematic for our current economic status. Unless we make some major changes in this country I don’t believe America can remain sustainable from an economic standpoint. If this deserves a tin foil hat, sign me up!!