SDR, all these sellers who need to sell short are typically the ones with the (problems mentioned above). These are the sellers that need to have the “conversation” before even listing them.
Buyers have a right in their offer to ask for certain liens to be cleared as a condition of sale. How can they avail themselves of this right if they don’t know what they are?
Why should buyers put in offers AT ALL on a “short sale” if they don’t even know what they’re buying?? Why should they have to wait weeks/months to find this out?
Real estate, above all, is TITLE to real property, over and above what sits on that property.
Why should the listing and selling agents even WASTE their TIME of a transaction that will never close without infusions of “bribe-money” and other “11th hour” payments by the buyers and/or agents to consummate the deal after wasting perhaps hundreds of hours on it?
And yes, I’ve done two “short-sales”, in ’92 and ’93, one with BK filings involved where a court visit was necessary in order get a release from the automatic stay. And yes, both DID close. But this is probably before you ever heard of them, SDR, or even knew what “real estate” was, for that matter.
You conduct your business however you see fit, SDR, and good luck to you.
The wheels of justice turn slowly and the law in CA is evolving, Piggs. And I for one am privileged to have a front-row seat!