sdnerd, you’re young so that’s why you think that way. You’ll learn in due course.
I love my fellow Piggs and I want everyone to be safe during the upcoming recession.
If I were you, sdnerd, I would look for a job with a real company with real income, positive cash flow and solid balance sheet.
Easily 1/2 of the tech companies in SD are speculative investments for the venture capitaliststs who funded them. They are hopping to flip in a buyout. Those companies are negative cash flows with hardly any real revenues.
What made the buyouts possibble since 1996? High stock values as currency, then, after 2001, easy money. One deal gone bad was Pfizer’s purchase of Agouron.
Those two factors that funded buyouts, are now gone. I see the vultures of the near future raiding companies for cash rather than vapor technology.