I am not following you here concerning RENTING a home from a financial institution and paying them mostly interest for the first portion of the agreement and how this relates to “moving on with my life”.
I would beg to differ and go as far as begging to differ with some notion or systemic “belief” that owning a home is some great accomplishment in life,yea, some American dream it has become for a lot of people.
I realize that my thought here on this is one of the minority and that others allow may allow themselves for whatever reasons to make emotional buying decisions and that is the reality, but I do believe this is changing to some degree as people get burned which creates hesitancy to do the same thing again or at least they give it a little more thought and educate themselves first..and that is one of the bright spots during hard times….people educating themselves to make wiser decisions…
And yes, RE is local down to the subdivision / neighborhood….