Such as trees, ditches, fences, walls, houses, sign-posts ? Maybe we should make all these smaller, too.
By the way, when FLU cites “Physics,” he means this:
For the same rate of decelleration, the cars may perform the same. The problem is, when a 1000 lb car hits a tree it decellerates much faster than when a 3,000 lb vehicle hits a tree, and it is decelleration that hurts you.
It really is simple physics. The weight of the vehicle doesn’t necessarily protect you because it is stronger or built better. They are simply heavier and carry more inertia or potential energy. You simply can’t design around this.
They say falling doesn’t kill you, its the sudden stop at the end. Such is a traffic accident. In a heavier vehicle, the stop is simply less sudden than in a lighter vehicle.
Both vehicles decelerate at the same rate (or at least close enough to make no difference, assuming crumple zones and such are somewhat larger on a larger vehicle) when they hit a stationary object.
The only case where this isn’t true is where the stationary object is light enough to be destroyed or moved by the heavier vehicle and not by the smaller vehicle.
Mass only comes into the potential energy of the collision assuming an impact with a stationary object. The large car NEEDS larger crumple zones and such because it has much more potential energy to be absorbed than the small car.
p = mv.
Some of us straight F guys could really use Dr. Feynman. 1988 we cry for you.