[quote=SDEngineer]How much manipulation can a single individual really do? Please, enlighten me on how this can happen, and exactly how a similar effort could not undermine a standard tied to a SINGLE commodity.
Thanks for the personal attack though.[/quote]
Suggest you direct the next phase of your studies towards Greenspan, interest rate manipulation and the housing bubble. That’s how much.
1 person (OK, maybe its a few) controls the value of all the money in the entire country. That’s how much.
With a gold standard, for one person to manipulate the value of the currency, they would either have to buy most of it, or find a stash of previously undiscovered gold large enough to affect the existing base. I don’t know how one person could affect the value of gold in any other way – you tell me.
I have shown how one person can affect FIAT money, and provided a recent example. Now, you show me how one person can affect the purchasing power of gold.
Hopefully the “personal attack” as you call it will encourage you to dig deeper. Maybe even as deep as I have dug.