SDEngineer – welcome to the neighborhood. I’m very glad that the final phase of townhouses will be built. My Stoney Creek Plan 2 is just a couple of houses away from the final phase, close to the second entry. I had feared that they would abandon or postphone the final phase, making the site a wasteland indefinitely.
I didn’t know that the new Plan 6 would be bigger with bigger Master and separate tub/shower. We probably would still go with the house, but the decision would’ve been much tougher to make. We’re closing escrow on the 24th and have been going to the site quite frequently to check on progress. Yes, I did notice quite a bit of traffic every time we went there. Poor Brooke, as she’s the only staff remaining, but she’s great.
Looks like all of us at Pigg buying (or interested in buying) at Riverwalk are cautious, sensible and with every intention to live there for a very long time. Riverwalk will be great community.