[quote=sdduuuude]The OT section is not there to encourage OT postings. It is there to get them out of the way.
I don’t mind the occasional OT posting by various people here and there. We have become a community and we are familiar with each other and it makes sense that we want to share OT issues with each other – be it cars or guns, jokes, or the chargers, etc.
The political posts were just too much, however. As I mentioned, at one point in Oct. 12 of the 20 active forum topics were political drivel and you had the same few people posting the same types of conter-productive threads over and over.
You can go to one of a million sites to see people bicker about politics. Why add the noise here? To specifically answer your question – OT posts drown out the insightful voices of the topics of interest. They make the forum less focused and less useful.
The real value of this site is San Diego real-estate disccusions, with a bit of economics mixed in. And when Piggs focus on that, they are excellent sources of info and insight.
As long as the OT posts are amicable and don’t drown out the RE/economics posts, they aren’t a problem.
Posting too many OT is like going to a tupperware party and trying to sell used cars to the other guests. It just doesn’t make sense and it’s annoying.[/quote]
NOW I get what you’re talking about SDuuuude- I owe you an apology for giving you a hard time about your complaints about OT threads. It’s not the OT threads themselves, it’s the fact that every topic, whatever it is, ends up turning into some lame political argument that rehashes the same things over and over.