One thing you should know is where 92117 (Clairemont) turns to 92111 (Linda Vista). Check redfin or some other map with the zip codes to see it visually. Real Estate people prefer 92117, though there are plenty of decent places in 92111. Decide for yourself if you want look in the nicer parts of 92111 or not, but just know when you have crossed the line.
– Mt. Streets south of Balboa and West of Genesee can be nice, but they are in Linda Vista. I’d say some are worth looking at. Check out a street called Burford, too. Nothing for sale there now, but it’s kind of unique.
Overall, excellent advice by sdduuuude …
But, there are parts of 9211 that are still considered Clairemont, including the Mount streets south of Balboa and west of Genessee. The labelling of this as Linda Vista is an artifact of zip-code-driven neighborhood definitions which seems to have taken hold in real estate over the past 2 decades.
(Another great example of this phenomenon is the 92110 zip code, which actually spans at least 4 or 5 distinct neighborhoods and is split by 2 freeways. Bay Park, Morena, Old Town, Overlook Heights and Midway-Point Loma all are in this zip code and are quite different)
Regardless, we have lived in the Mount streets as well as in Bay Park/West Clairemont and found the location and convenience to be ideal for all we wanted to do in San Diego. The downside is of courtse the schools. While some elementary schools are acceptable, after that we had planned to go private.
If you can afford it, the areas of Bay Park/Bay Ho/West Clairemont are worth a look, but can be pricey. Small houses on busier streets or with small lots start in the 450k range. For that price you can start finding decent-sized houses in the Mount Streets.