[quote=sdduuuude]I agree – I am violating their right to clean air, water, etc.
I don’t consider anything an externality. Everything matters. Double-standards are not allowed. Usually, practicality makes real-life different from the theory, but the theory acts as a prett good guide.[/quote]
Fair enough. But this directly contradicts your previous statement that:
“I don’t have to harm anyone, force anyone to do anything against their will, trespass, steal from anyone, or lie to anyone under contract to safely drive a safe, low-smog, low-MPG vehicle. It is a peaceful and honest activity.”
Any pollution is harmful to someone somewhere that is not polluting. You are forcing them to live with the pollution – however minimal YOU would like to view it – that you produce.
When you argue with me, don’t argue with the Libertatian viewpoint. Argue with my viewpoint. The more I hear what people think Libertarians are, the less I think I am one.[/quote]
Make no mistake, I’m arguing with your viewpoint. I bring up Libertarians and Objectivists because their viewpoints are particularly unrealistic and black-and-white in nature. Just as yours appear to be on this issue. [And, for the record, I’m sympathetic to plenty of libertarian views – I just view the platform as a whole to be naive, unworkable and unable to properly deal with externalities (pardon use of the word for lack of alternatives).]
I pollute. And others have to deal with it. It isn’t fair. But life isn’t fair. And I don’t make apologies for it. However… if everyone decided to follow my path and not have kids then the issue would, for all intents and purposes, slowly disappear. So I stake out the moral high ground in this issue not because I’m an environmentalist, but rather by sheer accident of life choice. But I’m still a polluter. Now, I gotta go get into my big ole SUV…