[quote=sdduuuude]above should read “but his specific actions” don’t make him a terrorist”
You may be tired of explaining but you aren’t tired of trying understanding my point as you have not yet tried.
My point is his motivation doesn’t make him a terrorist.
Specific actions do – that is, issuing demands of those terrorize – which was never done.
Which is why the media has not called him a terrorist. When they uncover such demands, perhaps they will.[/quote]
Geez, I take a short break to do some actual work and all hell breaks loose!
Dude’s point is a good one, but I would offer a counterpoint (not a rebuttal) and say that someone who was trying to contact al-Qaeda (whom we all would probably agree IS a terrorist organization), who had a self-professed affinity for terrorist and resistance organizations, who openly called Americans “aggressors” (using the parlance) and shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he shot American soldiers, could reasonably be considered a terrorist sympathizer at a minimum and an inept terrorist at a maximum.
What I take especial issue with is the fear the MSM has in given affront to Muslims (and, let’s face it they do: Look no further than the dust up over the Danish cartoons). They are shit scared to even intimate that Hasan was a terrorist or might have had terrorist connections or ambitions. And, I don’t think saying that he did is unfair, given the evidence above.