[quote=sdcellar]I use 2% since that seems like the historical norm. I also think it’s quite appropriate for this wacky decade too.
On CAR’s 10,000 sq. foot lot, I’d agree that is harder to find (generally anywhere), but I’ll bet she’d (she’s a she, right) take a swell house on an 8k lot in a heartbeat. Can’t really search with that anyway since a lot of listings don’t have it. I can totally appreciate looking for something that’s bigger than the damn house though. CV’s good for that. Million dollar houses with an 8 foot backyard. Whattheheck?[/quote]
The average reported inflation rate for the last 10 years is 2.57%, so it’s between your 2% and my 3%.
Most of CV doesn’t make any sense to me either, but for many, it does. To each their own. I rather have bigger land and smaller house. I’d pick Solana Beach over CV almost any day.
CAR, I understand your detest for traffic. I can’t stand it either. I love my 10-15 minute commute as well (No traffic even in prime traffic time). Would have loved to live in NCC if I work in Carlsbad area.