You don’t seem to want to address whether or not the far left and far right think the same. Hmmmmm….[/quote]
Yes, they are the same in many ways.
But the left is more anchored in reality and the pragmatic needs of human beings and other living matter on earth.
The right is obsessed with God and the afterlife. The right has set the moral bar so high for themselves that they always sound like hypocrites when they fail to set the example.
Abortion. The left wants women to chose no matter what. The right believes that God calls upon them to ban abortion.
Gay marriage. The left believe that gay people deserve equal protection and should be able to marry if that makes them happy. How does that affect straight marriages? The right thinks that God did not intent same sex marriage.
With the right, it’s always about God and eternal damnation.[/quote]
Nope you completely missed it in terms of empathy.[/quote]
Lemme spell it out for you.
One can bust a Christians mans balls all day about being against gay marriage (or some kind of legal equivalent) and yet claim to walk in the other mans shoes (or stilettos for that matter..he he). And I do it and it pisses them off to the point where they just glare at me.
And then you ask a lib about abortion and he says it’s a womans choice, her body. Well you put yourself in the woman’s shoes. Great.
But isn’t there someone else who has a body? Isn’t there someone else whose shoes you should take a walk in?
So if you are really going to be thorough about then you put yourself in the baby’s position too. At least consider it’s feelings after it becomes viable. And if you still adhere to the concept of “do unto others…” or in those great song/words “what if it were youuuuuuuuu..?” then you ask what would I rather have done to me? Would I rather have a major choice taken away or have every choice I will ever make taken away via my very life?
Maybe you would rather be aborted than grow up adopted or in, god forbid, a foster home. Somehow I doubt it. Somehow I bet that you would rather decide for yourself sometime down the road whether or not life is worth living. Free will maaaaaan.
When I talk to you far left and far right guys it’s always the same. When I ask you to put yourself in everyones position then you try to argue another angle or stomp away.