He is. There are definite problems we will have to deal with, but I think he is way over sensationalizing. He obviously has not studied our country very well. He does not understand how this country works when under extreme adversity.
At the founding of this country:
We get pissed of at the British on the taxation and denial of civil rights… grab our squirrel guns and take on what was at that time, one of the strongest military forces of its day… and won.
Lusitania was part of what got us involved.. and the US involvement largely changed the course of the war.
Japan attacks us in Pearl Harbor without warning (before their Embassy delivers the Declaration of War), sinking a large part of our Naval ships. Result, first use of Nuclear bombs.. twice. Japan surrender signed on board US military ship in part to make it understood that this was not a negotiated surrender but an all out surrender.
Sept 11..
4th plane, people get pissed and take on the hijackers. Plane does not make it to its target. Unknown whether flown into ground or shot down by pursuing Military fighter jets. John Reid (shoe bomber) tries the hotshoe routine and it quite forcibly restrained. We attack 2 countries, defeat both.
What ends up happening to the US in disaster is that we have a period of grieving and sadness.. followed by getting really pissed off. There is still a bit of “Don’t Tread On Me” mentality within this country.. (part example is our resistance to gun control despite some aspects of danger that this may create)
I do think that the RE/economy problem is one of our own creation. Unfortunately, there has not been very honest reporting on the causes. Too much ‘feel sorry for this speculator‘ from the media. Of course the media does not do the background work and does not mention that the poor person is a speculator caught by their own greed.
It kind of reminds me of a story of an Indian (from India) technique to catch a monkey. Put some food in a narrow neck jar attached to a chain, where the neck is just wide enough to let the food or a monkey’s hand when not clenched get through. The monkey reaches in and grabs food but can’t get both hand and food out. The monkey refuses to let go of the food.. and therefore is trapped.