[quote=SD Realtor]Yes of course it can be argued that not all teachers deserve x dollars. Very true and a “fair way” to determine compensation will be good. I am just not of the opinion about this “training stuff”.
Yes you get paid well as an engineer because why? Because you are trained well? Because you got a BS or MSEE and can write code? Okay that does make sense. However you get paid well because it is MARKET DRIVEN. That lost artifact called a free market. You can take your same training and your MARKET value in India would be less but you would be doing the same thing?
I have been in many outsourced projects, travelled across teams and worked with them. In most cases the quality of engineer is not less. It is the logistical problem, management problems, lack of contact with the systems guys that always hurts overseas teams.
Again, the training card just doesnt cut it for me. I do see value in advanced training, yes I do. However the most successful people I have met, (in terms of money they make) is more because of thier ambition, drive, and will to risk. Not because they took the safe job earning 90k or 120k or whatever the “trained” to do. My wifes best friends brother sells frigging hot dogs at all the state fairs, works about 5-6 months a year and makes way more then us engineers.
Sorry to get off topic. I don’t know, I just think that yes in alot of cases teachers do alot of work that goes under the radar. Teachers will influence my kids and spend alot of time with them. There are good teachers and bad teachers and there are good and bad engineers. I am not trying to bang on engineers. I am one. I just think that it can be argued teachers are just as important albeit may not have received a BSEE.[/quote]
So true about market driven… Best case in point… Nurses. 2 Years and they come out making more than some PhDs…