[quote=SD Realtor]Yep definitely a right wing whack job and it is sad to see.[/quote]
Excuse me? So how does this type of statement defuse the conflict between the political parties; Political parties that generate and use this conflict to centralize their power.. on both sides of the isle. This type of statement only stands to inflame.
The ‘perpetrator’ had views supporting communism. This is very much against any thing that the ‘right wing’ and ‘tea party’ members consider. Some are suspecting that part of this perpetrator’s actions are due to a perceived ‘slight’ by Rep. Gabrielle Gifford.
One thing I found interesting is that the perp’s dillusions had granules of truth. His mind just bent them to support an extreme position. This world currently seems to be one of getting up, going to work, going home, eating and then going to bed… on the most part for most people. The purpose of working has been forgotten, or that people have been ‘priced out of’ living.