[quote=SD Realtor]There are strict guidelines for reporting occupancy rules. Once more, this stuff for the most part originates with the underwriting guidelines for the GSE’s.
You don’t like it, complain to the GSE’s which is in essence a branch of your government.
I agree that a member of a condo assn would have a hard time moving out and renting their unit and then claiming to the tax assessor that they are still occupying the unit. I’m sure an HOA is well aware of which units are owner-occupied and which are tenant-occupied.
And no, I have never mis-reported my occupancy status to the assessor but I have noticed quite often that many others do for the long term, ESP if they have a “trusted” relative occupying the premises.
I’m sure part of the reason for this is that these owners may have a mortgage that requires owner-occupancy, at least for the years that they end up leaving the property early.