[quote=SD Realtor]The thing that irks me the most is that when they passed the current budget, it was total BS. I don’t recall the links now but my wife kept sending all kinds of information on how much of a clusterf– it was. There was no way in the world the budget was based on reality.
The budget passed was a joke. 3 months late and nothing was changed, no big cuts, no tax increase, etc. Gov “wanted” 1% sales tax increase in summer, backed down. Now he says we need 1.5% increase. Didn’t the dweeb Davis get recalled over a few hundred buck car tax? Oh wait, any tax on auto will get you fired. Instead of trans net tax of gas to pay for roads (use more, pay more), jack up sales tax 1/2%. So Governator is smart. For example, if he asked for 1 cent gas tax for new roads, he’d be fired, so he asks for 1.5% sales tax increase. Simply brilliant.