[quote=SD Realtor]
The problem is if they worked in the private sector they would be working for organizations that generated revenue and the compensation would be on par with the revenues of the organization.
Looking at the city of San Diegos obligations clearly the numbers do not add up. Nor do they for the state.[/quote]
I work for a large, private sector, company – the CEO’s compensation is NOT tied to the revenues (losses). The bonus structure for the corporate execs is obscene. Yes, the worker bees have taken a hit to pay and bonuses (and headcount) but the corporate officers continue to bring in the big bucks despite several years of negative earnings. Perhaps, in an ideal world the exec’s compensation would be directly tied to earnings… but the real world does not work that way.
And just to nitpick – Gore and Dumanis are county employees, not city employees. Not saying that the county has lots of extra money – but the county’s budget isn’t hurting as much as the city’s budget.