[quote=SD Realtor]The point is not to go back in time. The point is to not blindly believe that everything you are told by the govt is true…
You have made it abundantly clear in many many posts that what was done in the past helped us to avert disaster. I have never been so sure of that. In fact I think it made the rich much richer, and kept a slow bleed going instead of just removing the tumor at what would have been great pain. Geitner has simply been following what Paulson did. Corruption is not dedicated to either party… It is alive and strong in both.
You know, I think all of the bailouts and stimuluses (stimuli?) were poorly conceived and badly implemented. I think all the benefits they provided could have been done for a whole lot less taxpayer money. But in the long run, the difference isn’t all that significant. We’d have a shitload of debt even if there were no stimulus or bailouts. They’d didn’t cause the debt.
What I really don’t know is if there is anything that could have been done that would have put us in better position today. I really haven’t seen a plan that I think would have worked any better. Nothing that would have turned the economic crisis in 2008 into booming GDP growth or lower unemployment. I don’t suspect there was any surgery for that tumor that would have made the ecomony healthy in 2011, or 2012 or 2013 for that matter. I’m open to ideas. I’d love to see something that jumps out at me and says “THIS WILL FIX EVERYTHING!”. I’m not saying it’s not out there. But I haven’t seen anyone propose it yet.