[quote=SD Realtor]The banks have nothing to do with the tenants or the lease that is currently in place. A short sale with tenants is not any different then a standard sale with tenants. Understand that the lease is between the tenants and the landlord and that the conditions of the lease will still be in place once the sale is complete.
SDR and others, thanks….yes I understand the lease is between the seller and the tenants, but I would think the bank SHOULD care because in this case, I know the tenants and the agents involved on the seller side are certainly not helping this short sale move along.
So I was curious whether the bank will step in IF sale of this house is contingent on getting these tenants out. While the house is not trashed currently, the house is a total pig pen and from what I’ve heard, the tenants are not very cooperative.
I do understand in CA, the lease survives the sale of the home, hence my concern. Even if the lease for instance, were month to month, I might still have to deal with eviction and possible damage to the home in that process, so I’m trying to figure out how much of a headache this is all going to be.
So it sounds like based on other comments, should make this a condition of the sale that the SELLER needs to get the tenants out, one way or another ( IE paying them off)