[quote=SD Realtor]That is the thing. I am not democrat or republican but I marvel at those who defend each party simply because they think that this is the best we can do. SK you seem to be plenty satisfied with guys like Frank and Dodd and others like them. It doesn’t matter to me which party they belong to. I woul dpresume if Frank was not a democrat you guys would be all over him.
I’m not sure about others, but all of congress effed up, along with regulators, including the Fed, Treasury, the SEC and a whole bunch of others. You’ll be hard pressed to find where I claimed I was plenty satisfied. I defended Frank only in regards to your assertion that he had some unique piece of responsibility for the housing bubble. That’s a purely policial claim, without any basis in reality. As far as my politics are concerned, I go with Will Rogers explanation, I’m not the member of any organized political party, I’m a democrat.
But democrats, including the current president have failed me miserably. But not, I suspect, for the same reason you think they’ve failed you. Even when they have power, they don’t initiate and create policy I think they want, they create watered down policy, like this financial reform, and health care reform, that Republicans won’t vote for anyway. Policy wise, on average, they’re mildly better than Republicans. Politically, they suck.
And as far as your last sentence, please review again. The vast majority of it went down during a Republican administration, with republican control of congress, and when dems were in control of congress, they acted like the inept political hacks they have proved over and over again they are. I’m not an idealogue. You won’t find me defending their ineptness. But neither will you find me exusing failed republican policy.