[quote=SD Realtor]socratt I think you pretty much nailed it… so lets see, john q public verses the banking system, construction industry, new home builders, wall street investment firms, and the government… hmmm who would I think will win that battle…
Agreed it is simply a game of who can hold out the longest. As long as the government can keep foreign investment propping up the bond market it seems they can play the hand out long enough. My kids will go from toddlers to high school graduates and the govt will not give a sh-t if I buy or rent in that timeframe. I can be as smart as I like, make brilliant posts, talk about unemployment and how the next foreclosure tsunami will come and they will continue to control the game.
It definitely is quite frustrating.[/quote]
We are in exactly the same boat, SDR. Doesn’t matter how “responsible” you’ve been, it’s the irresponsible losers who are being bailed out at our (and our families’) expense.