[quote=SD Realtor]So I am not sure about the statement about San Carlos being the same distance to La Jolla as PQ or Scripps. That said the TIME from Scripps or PQ to La Jolla may not appreciably differ because those commutes suck as well. I am very familar with them.[/quote]
You have a good point there. It seems, based on speed sensors data, that the rush hour = slow traffic on 52 is not as spread out as let’s say 5 or 56 (which are like, 3 hrs), in other words allows more flexibility. From the LJ end of 52 to Mission Gorge takes 15′ at non rush and 25-30′ at rush hour, if I believe the sensor data. Add 10′ on each end on city streets for the commute. So commute wise San Carlos is not that bad. But PQ commute via 52 is better.