[quote=SD Realtor]Nobody is entitled to anything. Payment for services is set by the marketplace. At least for the most part in free markets. Consumers shop the marketplace for the goods and services. They make the purchase based on the quality/price of the product, it is a sliding scale. Similarly employees are free to shop the marketplace to find employment. The salary they receive is set by the employer. The salary is not arbitrary. It is determined by the skills needed for the job, the cost of that labor to the employer, and other factors that the employer takes into account.
The salary has NOTHING to do with the employee being able to provide for his family. The employee is not ENTITLED to receive a salary that can support his family. He is ENTITLED to search for a job that can do that.
It should not be an encumbrance upon the employer.
In fact, the standard listing agreement for the state of California states that the brokerage is under the employ of the principle. The rate of payment is negotiable. It has nothing to do with whether that will be enough to support my family.
My gosh….[/quote]
Nice straw man argument. I never made any argument that pay should be enough to support a family. Only that employees are entitled to their agreed upon pay. Exactly the same as you are entitled to your agreed upon pay. And under the law, both are entitlements.