I don’t mean to be politically incorrect but lets take the young Asian couple who both are engineers with a child and together they pull down 200k. You guys tell me where you think they would rather raise the family.[/quote]
I’m going to revert back to what I said before and say it really depends on the “type” of people and I know exactly a couple that fits the description but they actually make more than that and they live in MH and would never live in CV or some cookie cutter neighborhood.
Also know many people who live in PL and feel there are very good school in PL, value education very highly and have no problem sending their kids to school there.
Sure there are lots of people who meet your criteria, but there is no shortage of folks who don’t, so I still don’t believe that supports an argument that MH or PL won’t hold up as well.
So its like saying because there is a huge demographic that want A, and there is also a B option, but that B cannot hold up because A doesn’t support it. I think you’re trying to put a square peg into a round hole