[quote=SD Realtor]I agree with your points about doing away with the two party system. The biggest problem is the lobbying industry and you pegged it. I am not sure how we can push that one out of the way.
We see the same thing through different eyes, which is that the real control lies well beyond the govt. That the people elect the govt officials who make laws that can benefit or hinder the freedoms of those same people. That at some point in time the govt lost control and (seemingly) is kind of a puppet to industry.
I find it ironic that when the so called “financial reform” went through Wall St was pretty happy. That big pharma will benefit quite well from the healthcare reform. That in the midst of what is supposed to be a “hostile to business” govt, we have witnessed what is close to one of the largest ever rallies on Wall St.
To me it just doesn’t pass the sniff test. I don’t fall into the everything is all right, the market is raging, the govt will take care of everything, and we will all live happily ever after.
I agree with you about transparency and accountability. Maybe you see it, but I do not.[/quote]
Totally agree with you about the bolded part (and everything else). And as someone who is an ardent supporter of “socialized” medicine, I am as angry about “Obamacare” as any die-hard Republican. It was theft from taxpayers, and the main beneficiary of that package was the insurance industry (any surprise it’s yet another member of the FIRE sector that seems to rule our government?).
As far as my seeing the transparency and accountability…heck no, I don’t see it! Not sure if that’s what you meant. What I was trying to convey is that we need to **increase** transparency and accountability, and in a very big way. What we have now is a sham democracy.