[quote=SD Realtor]CAR the problem that I have with theories of equal distribution at any level is that it is not natural.
If you look at natural life it is random and it is far from equal. Where creatures exist in the food chain is where they exist and in nature there could and will never be equality. Thus we see an adaptation of creatures to exist and they naturally mutate over millions of years to thrive in their niche rather then make all niches equal.
Theories of equality for all workers rubs me wrong because the ruling class still exists. There can never be a society where everyone is equal, where all living conditions are the same. It is simple impossible. So to me theories such as his are not just pollyanish (if there is such a word) but entirely rubbish.
Now if you are espousing creating societies that try to emulate nature then that is something I can embrace. Sadly though numbers (and this is where the pragmatic side of me takes over) indicate that it will be challenging if not impossible to do because of finite problems and the matter that we simply have to many people in the world.
Again, don’t know the answers… however I know in my heart a Marxist society is simply a smoothing out of the working class but that evil ruling class still exists. Don’t try to say for a minute that it doesnt. I believe shooting for improving what we have over embracing a nonexistent utopia is a better path. I just am struggling to figure out the improving what we have part. Being hypocritical and complaing about the evil corporate empire while thoroughly immersed in their products and way of life seems….. odd to me.[/quote]
I’ve never said that everyone should be paid the same regarless of skill level, work ethic, etc. What I’m saying is that the money (value of goods and services) created by labor belongs primarily to the workers, not the “capitalists” who simply skim off the top of every legitimate transaction.
No question about the “ruling class” existing under any circumstances. What we *can* do is make sure that they never gain so much power (either under a capitalist or communist system) that they are able to control everyone and everything else. I’m not talking about “redistributing” wealth. What would be best for society as a whole would be for wealth to stay with those who create it. That is NOT what we have under our current “capitalist” system. We have redistributed the wealth/power **UP** from the workers to the capitalists; that’s what I have a problem with.
If we maintain the majority of wealth/power among the general public, the “ruling class” will never be able to take power.
As to your statement about my being a nationalist, you are absolutely right. It’s not that I think people in other countries don’t derserve a better life, but that (IMHO) we can more effectively improve the lives of people by concentrating on smaller groups — largely because of different resource availability, culture, productive capacity, etc. of the individual nations. I would not be opposed to spending some of our tax money in ways that would help other peole around the world improve their lives. I am also not opposed to fair trade, with tariffs that offset the lower labor and environmental standards/protections of other countries. We should trade with other countries, but we should be importing things that we cannot easily produce ourselves (oil, certain kinds of timber, minerals, finished goods that are tied to particular regions like Persian rugs, etc.). We should not import goods that are being produced elsewhere simply because they are able to exploit workers and the environment.