[quote=SD Realtor]BG the thing is that a line can be drawn anywhere with regards to prop 13. You seem to have a stick in your craw about elderly people who have barely any taxes. What about those homebuyers who bought in Scripps or 4S or Carlsbad or Encinitas in the late 90s before the bubble? Compared to all of the neighbors they have who bought in subsequent years, they are bandits.[/quote]
SDR, you didn’t read my posts correctly. I have NO PROBLEM with original owners living out their lives in their original homes and tax basis (+2% yr). These owners will eventually die and many already have.
What I am AGAINST is the passing down of this artificially-low tax basis in perpetuity.
As far as your owners in North County that bought more than 10 years ago, if any Pigg feels their own (more recently purchased) property there has recently fallen in value as to warrant an assessment of its value =>10 years ago, then they are free to file and assessment appeal and duke it out with the powers-that-be to obtain a reassessment.
I don’t take issue with those purchasers who purchased in ’92 and are paying $4500 annual tax in comparison to their neighbor who bought in 2002 and are paying $8000 in annual tax.
However, I AM taking issue with those purchasers who bought in 2002 and are paying $8000 tax who are living next door to a 40 yo “owner-heir” who inherited a property from parents who bought it in ’64 and is paying $800 tax.