[quote=SD Realtor]
Ask yourself, and be very honest here, if this happens on Bush’s watch is the media behavior the same?
Let’s see what happened when Bush was in the white house.
1) 9/11 happened, media did not ask any questions about how Bush could have missed this for many years. Fox news & GOP does not ask that question even today.
2) Bin Laden was holed up in Tora Bora and Bush decided not to pursue him. No one questioned that wisdom for years to come. Fox News and GOP do not bring that up even today.
3) Iraq WMD intel was cooked up by Cheney,Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and gang. Any media that dared to question them were labelled anti-american (usually by Fox News).
So when the same people come on Fox News and now rant against Obama on Libya, is not natural for me to be skeptical? Seems to me like, it is not very credible to accuse someone when one themselves have been involved in similar shady businesses in the past …
If Obama’s foreign policy has failed, Mitt’s solution is GWB’s foreign policy – which was even a bigger disaster!