[quote=SD Realtor]”A military academy style public school system would serve us very well, I believe.”
Brian I would definitely agree with that.
As a side note I also believe that more physical activity would improve academic achievement dramatically. It is bad enough that pretty much any normal 7 year old boy is classified as ADD cuz he cannot sit still. I think that in most cases this is simply a boy being a boy. They need to be running around. Tire them out and you find they are a hell of alot more attentive. Adding more physical activity and maybe scaling back a bit on the academics may serve to INCREASE attentiveness and the quality of what the kids learn. Just my two cents. I do like the military style idea though. Lots of physical activity and more of a focus on respect, discipline, and other intangibles that will accelerate learning in the future. [/quote]
I have 2 teacher friends, married couple. They have both been teaching for SD Unified for 10+ years. Their son was quite active, and since a child he has been enrolled in private school, because they felt he would kicked out of public school due to the low tolerance for activity. The child is now 10 years old, and does extremely well academically, as he is very bright, but still an active boy.