There are other people I have met that do this for a living and if it were up to you guys you would advocate taking their livelihood away. I just don’t think that is right. What the govt and banks are doing is wrong, more wrong then ever, but telling people no you cannot do this or that anymore is even more wrong.[/quote]
This is just my personal opinion, but I think the right of people to purchase affordable housing (one single residential property) for their families trumps the rights of flippers/speculators who are trying to make a profit. As much as I rail against unqualified people buying homes, I strongly advocate home ownership for families so they can control their housing costs and have a paid-off home in retirement.
There is a difference between wants and basic needs. I have no problem with an unrestricted, open market for things that are wants, but basic needs (especially finite goods) should be highly regulated and/or controlled by a government that is more concerned for the long-term well being of society than for the profits of the very few elite who are in power. (Yes, there’s a socialist element there.)