SD Realtor, I do not believe it a crime against humanity–I do not wish to support others that do not take action and responsibility to secure their present and future. However, this is a complex world, and one action can trigger worse conditions.
When these “used to be welfare folks” get into the “nice” neighborhoods (and I can guarantee you they will), folks will be all up in arms. Do something Mr. Government! There is child abuse! They are in my backyard! They throw trash and do drugs! Contain them! Get them out! And, either the government will do something (ie: more bonds, bailouts, taxes) and hire more police, social service employees, etc, or else they will have to re-instate welfare, admitting that it was a bad idea after all.
Though there is a relatively small percentage of welfare recipients, the havoc that a few families can create can destroy an otherwise pleasant neighborhood comprised of mostly non-welfare recipients. Imagine if they are put on the streets.
And, let us not forget one very important thing. Recipients of public services tend to be the most entitled of them all. Talk to some eligibility workers over at the County. This would eliminate their “entitlements” and once again, if there is nothing to lose, then why abide by any rules at all?
I have no idea how to cut services effectively, but this is a really bad idea. It is short sighted.