Many, not all, of the posters here are empty heads who are praying the market will go down, but even if it does they probably don't have the wherewithal to buy anyway. 4S is a very very desireable family community. The commute is about as good as it gets for a new home community in the SD area. I believe this is one of the reasons for 4Ss resilience to large price drops. There are many waiting on the side lines itching to buy and live in 4S. Stupid statements like "20% is in the bag and 60% is possible" for price drops with nothing to back up such a statement is worthless fortune telling.
You haven't been around here long if you believe this tripe. We (long time Piggingtons)have investigated every angle of the market ad nauseam and there is no need to constantly reprint the facts that have already been stated over and over. With the exception of a few areas that have held up so far, most areas in San Diego are already down 10 – 15% (including Coronado, which is a very desirable place to live). With all of the resets coming, the recent increase in interest rates, and turning public sentiment, another 5 – 10% is almost assured. Further, some new homes in Temecula are already nearly 30% down.
You are a little short on facts yourself. I will agree that there are a lot people waiting to buy. I'm one of them (but not in 4S). Many others here are also waiting to buy. Our pockets are full and our research is sound. Fools jump in, dude. Go swimming.
As for my head being empty, I'm glad I have one. You might want to find a pumpkin patch.