Scarlett,Thanks for the tips. We are very grateful that the teachers help prevent the boredom problems so many talk about.We have stepped up a couple of times to help them guide his challenges.
The son we thought about moving up is in the second grade.The idea of moving him up causes separation anxiety (from his peers).The school is only first second and third, so he would go to a new campus ahead of the rest.He has been on sports teams with some of his classmates too. We live in the country side so his friends are not easily accessible outside of the of school. We are thinking about letting him hang in there and self pacing him until he hits GATE classes and hoping that a few of his friends will go with him. Then again, as mentioned on other threads, Gate is no sure thing…we really haven’t studied/discussed the pro’s and con’s of that.
Cbad, I can see how your kids are all a grade ahead. Our second boy, who is in first grade, is going on the same progression as his brother. So are the children of the other most involved parents… Trying to find the balance.