Scarlett, you would need to be on the ground to see various schools let out in the afternoon. Reading API demographic “statistics” on the internet can be deceiving. Just because a student has a Hispanic-sounding name … or has a “Hispanic” grandparent doesn’t make them “Hispanic.” Did you ever stop to think that it might benefit a school (in the form of receipt of various funds from Federal programs) if they encourage their students taking the CSTs to check a demographic box they most “identify with,” especially students of mixed heritage? What do you think is the true percentage of these students from ALL OVER SD County? Would you feel more comfortable placing your children in a school with at least 50% students of Chinese origin?
In addition, the term “Hispanic” includes those Caucasian individuals from Puerto Rico, the east coast of Mexico, Mexico City, South America, Spain and Portugal. Not every “Hispanic” originates from Baja, CA and/or needs ESL classes.
And what do these high API scores say about the teachers if a school is “perceived” as having a predominately “Hispanic” student population who scores high overall on the CSTs??
If you’re REALLY interested in Chula Vista, ask yourself these questions and plant yourself on the ground when the schools in the attendance area you are interested in are dismissed for the afternoon and you will learn the truth. Better yet, if you visit an elem school, note which “ethnicity” you perceive the parents/grandparents to have who are picking up these children.
Parents do themselves and their children a huge disservice by basing school desirability strictly on statistical information taken from the internet without checking out the actual school for themselves, IMHO.