[quote=Scarlett]Yes, DSK case is much more interesting. It’s deserving its own thread, even though Arnold’s affair is more disgusting in the circumstances (what happened, or didn’t, after sex) and closer to home.[/quote]
I really feel bad for Maria. Here’s she’s pregnant and at the same time the maid is pregnant w/Arnold’s kid. And the whole time she never knew.
I think Arnold is a coward. Why is it so hard to take responsibility for one’s actions? Be a man and own up. Would it have been too difficult to say, “Hey, Maria. You know you married a dog. I’m not going to change. I’m going to bang and grope always. I’m also a lazy dog and I can’t bother to wear protection so I knocked up the maid.” That would’ve been nice to know. Make sure to get tested for any STDs.
But, I guess it is a matter of ego thinking they can do whatever they want, whenever they want w/whoever they want w/out reprecussions.
But I must emphasize that for me, the infidelity sexually is not as bad as the years of lying.
Right now, to me, the guy is just bad. Bad actor. Bad governor. Bad husband. Bad father. Just bad.