Why would one have more than one car per driver?!(Unless you are a collector, or just love cars.). We only recently, very reluctantly bought a 2nd car, and I still think we caved in and waste money on this 2nd car. We could have tried to use public transportation or carpool with friends – better for the environment and saves money. I can’t conceive ever needing more than 1 car per person. I can understand perhaps, in addition to each worker’s commute car have an extra family/large SUV car.[/quote]
Different people have different reasons for having multiple cars. Here are some examples, my brother is a car enthusiast, so he have car he use to track and a car he use for daily commute. My parents have 1 car each that they bought in the 90s. They bought a truck ~10 years ago for its utility. Then recently, my dad start doing the van pool thing at work and since he’s the driver, he keeps and maintain the van. My neighbor (late 50s) is also a car enthusiast. He has 2 cars that’s currently not working but he’s keeping it for when he retire in a few years, he can work on it. His son also is a car enthusiast, so he has one car that he’s currently working on and one for commute. The parents have one car each for commute.